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Tchoukball is the fastest hand ball sport in the world today. 
Invented by Dr. H. Brandt in Switzerland in the late 1960s, Tchoukball is a team sport of 7 players that unites all key sporting skills; athleticism, concentration, respecting oneself and the opposition and teamwork.
Now there are around 40countries joining in the International Tchoukball Federation(FITB) and they hold many international championships.


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  • Almost all of the Tchoukball countries including Europe import Tchoukball rebounders and balls from Taiwan because Taiwan has always been the champion of Tchoukball and their equipment is very good quality. (Taiwanese equipment is used as public equipment of International Championship as well)

    But their equipment is very expensive especially in the case of practicing and playing among amateurs or schools. Now we are making the rebounders in Korea and balls in Pakistan. We think their quality is also good compared with Taiwanese ones while the price is much cheaper, because we use some different ways to produce the rebounders.

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