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Handler was invented in Korea.
It’s a kind of fusion sport of mixing table tennis and badminton. 
Handler is a sport game similar with table tennis - striking shuttle cock with wooden racket.
You can enjoy and get plenty of exercise effect even in a small place.


SKU: 0006
  • Handler is a very good sport whoever can play anywhere. It has been one of our best seller products for a  long time.

    We have a patent of racket design which helps people to grip the racket effectively and play easily.

    Its shuttlecock is more stable and stronger than others to play handler.

    When playing, the net is optional but in case of a game, it is necessary. The net is available in multiple ways and portable but especially suitable for Handler game. (We call it “Multi Net”)

    There are 2 kinds of Multi Net, one is 3m-width and the other is 5m-width. They are adjustable in height of 70cm, 150cm and 210cm. They can be used for street tennis (or indoor tennis) and badminton or Handler, and volley-kind games as well. For the Handler game, we use 3m-net for singles game and 5m-net for doubles match.

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