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Floor Curling is a game that persons can enjoy curling game on floor instead of ice.
One Floor Curling game set is consisted of 8pcs of stones, 1 target mat and 1 bag.
For disabled people and the old, there are pusher sticks to push the stones not to bend their knees.

Floor Curling

SKU: 0001
  • There are 2 kinds of conspecific product of our Floor Curling in the world. One is “New Age Kurling”  from England and the other is “Floor Curl” from Canada, which is the same name as ours. (We have got  an agreement to use the name “Floor Curl” from Canadian Floor Curl company)

    They are making their products from China and We are confident in the quality as we have already checked it.

    This game is good for everyone because it can be played very easily but also very strategic game as strategic team play and concentration are required.

    The biggest strength of our Floor Curling is bearing of stones and flexible and well-designed stone body. Also it can be played according to many kinds of game rule as the handle of each stone has 4 different colors. This is the only one unique solution in the world.

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